Internationally successful
RiskConsult has many years of experience in supporting national and international infrastructure projects and their organizations.
Projects 2022 and ongoing
Salzburg Regional Light Rail Risk Management and Controlling of Project Costs
S-LINK is a new, modern and environmentally friendly highspeed rail link for Salzburg, the region and beyond. In a first stage, the project is planned and implemented from Salzburg's main station to Mirabell Palace.
RiskConsult is responsible for supporting the development and subsequent implementation of the processes for cost determination, risk management and project cost controlling, with the help of digital Project Rik Twin for the probabilistic analysis of costs, risks and schedule.
PEI Langen
The Paul-Ehrlich-Institut in Langen is building a new facility to replace their current buildings. The new facility (also in Langen) will be state of the art, energy-efficient and house their high-end laboratories and modern office spaces.
The LBIH retained RiskConsult to assist with the creation of a risk management concept to support the cost and schedule planning for the project.
Projekt cost: 415 Mio. € (feasibility study)
2022-ongoing / Landesbetrieb Bau und Immobilien Hessen
Source for image and text:
Expansion A59 Duisburg
The Autobahn GmbH Rheinland is planning a 6 lane expansion of the A59 from south of the interchange Duisburg (connecting to A40) until the exit Duisburg-Marxloh. Both interchanges and all exits in this section of the A59 will also be newly built.
Application of the RIAAT process to create a digital twin for costs, schedule and risks within the framework of a probabilistic risk analysis.
Projekt cost: n/a
2022-ongoing / Autobahn GmbH
Source for image and text:
U5 Hamburg Metro - Risk Management
With state-of-the-art technology, fully automated trains, 100% eco-electricity, a 24 km subway line and the ambition to transport 270,000 passengers daily, the Hamburger Hochbahn is building its "project of the century" with the U5. RiskConsult has been consulting on the risk management for the U5 Ost since 2020 and, since this year, also for the U5 Mitte.
Application of the RIAAT process to create a digital twin for costs, schedule and risks within the framework of a probabilistic risk analysis.
Project cost: n/a
2022-ongoing / Hamburger HOCHBAHN
Source image and text:
8-lane extension of the A1, northern section, south of the HH-Südost junction (A1/A25) to the north of the Süderelbe junction (A1/A26)
The existing Norderelbe Bridge has been used to cross the Federal Highway 1 over the Norderelbe since 1963. It is a suspension bridge with a superstructure for both directions of traffic. Currently, traffic is led across the Norderelbe on three lanes per direction (without hard shoulder). The structure shows various damages and has a very limited service life according to the recalculation carried out in 2016. Due to this condition and the eight-lane expansion according to the Federal Transport Infrastructure Plan 2030, a new replacement structure with an adapted cross-section of this bridge is planned.
In this project workshops will be conducted to identify and analyze the relevant risks. Thereafter, the scheduling impact of the risks is analyzed probabilistically in a construction time model.
Project Cost : n/a
2021-ongoing/ DEGES
Source Graphic: DEGES
8-lane extension of the A1, section AD HH-Süderelbe - AS HH-Harburg
The Süderelb bridge consists of two substructures dating back to 1938 (east superstructure) and 1965 (west superstructure). In addition to showing considerable damage and the planned eight-lane widening of the A1 in this section, in accordance with the 2030 Federal Transport Infrastructure Plan, a new replacement structure also urgently needs to be planned for this bridge. The 325-meter-long, four-span bridge is designed as a continuous beam bridge. The superstructures are 22 meters and 17 meters wide and the main span is 104 meters.
In this project workshops will be conducted to identify and analyze the relevant risks. Thereafter, the scheduling impact of the risks is analyzed probabilistically in a construction time model.
Project Cost : n/a
2021-ongoing/ DEGES
Source Graphic: DEGES
Multifaceted consulting services for Munich’s 2nd core S-Bahn route
In order to decongest the existing core line, a second core route is being built over a distance of about ten kilometres between the stations Laim in the west and Leuchtenbergring (picture) in the east. The centrepiece is a seven-kilometre tunnel connecting the main station and the eastern hub Ostbahnhof.
RiskConsult is consulting the project with a diverse package of services. A first pillar is the area of risk management, in which a digital twin for costs, schedule and risks is set up using probabilistic methods. This includes conducting workshops to identify and analyze the relevant risks. A second pillar is the review of the cost calculation for individual construction sections of the overall project.
Project Cost : n/a
2021-ongoing/ DB Netzte / Deutsche Bahn AG
Source Graphic: DB Netzte / Deutsche Bahn AG
PPP buildout A1/A30 - Risk Analysis
In the summer of 2018, DEGES was commissioned to carry out the six-lane expansion of the A 1 freeway between the Münster-Nord junction and the Lotte/Osnabrück junction as well as the maintenance and operation of the A1 expansion section and the existing section of the A 30 motorway as part of a PPP project. Many structures are located along the section. Most of these are bridge structures that need to be renovated, widened or completely replaced.
Conducting workshops to identify and analyze the relevant risks. The impact of the risks on the schedule is analyzed in a probabilistic schedule model.
Project Cost : n/a
2018-ongoing/ DEGES
Source Graphic: DEGES
A 44, 6-Lane widening AK Kassel-West - AD Kassel-Süd - Risk Analysis
The current demand plan for the federal highways shows the six-lane extension of the A 44 in the section between the Kassel-West interchange and the Kassel-South interchange (AD) as a priority. In addition, there is the necessary renewal of the Bergshäuser Bridge due to its technically given remaining useful life. The Federal Ministry of Transportation and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) has now confirmed the southern relocation of the route proposed by DEGES in coordination with the Hessian Ministry of Economics, Energy, Transport and Housing in the area of the Bergshausen district with a total length of the planning section of around 5.2 kilometers as the preferred option.
Implementation of workshops to identify and analyze the relevant risks. The impact of these risks is probabilistically analyzed in an integrated cost and schedule model.
Project Cost: n/a
Source Graphic: DEGES
Six-Lane Widening A40 Dortmund-Unna - Risk Analysis
On behalf of the federal government and the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, DEGES is planning and coordinating the six-lane widening of the B1 federal road to the A40 freeway between the Dortmund-Ost junction and the Dortmund/Unna interchange. The total length of the extension is around 9.5 kilometers. A total of 13 structures are located along the section. Most of these are bridge structures that need to be renovated, widened or completely replaced.
Implementation of workshops to identify and analyze the relevant risks. The impact of these risks is probabilistically analyzed in an integrated cost and schedule model.
Project Cost: n/a
2017-ongoing/ DEGES
Source Graphic: DEGES
U5 Hamburg Metro - Risk Management
A new, approx. 5.8 km long subway line with six stops is planned for the development of the districts Bramfeld, Steilshoop, Barmbek Nord and City Nord (U5 East).
The U5 will be implemented as a fully automatic subway and thus corresponds to the state of the art. The shield drive will be built over a length of approx. 5 km with a 2-track shield. The four stop structures and five emergency exit structures will be constructed using the cut-and-cover method.
Application of the RIAAT process to create a digital twin for costs, schedule and risks within the framework of a probabilistic risk analysis
Project Cost: approx. € 1,75 billion
2020 -ongoing / Hochbahn
Source Graphic: Hamburger Hochbahn AG
Brenner Base Tunnel - Risk Analysis 2020
Together with SFB-SRL from Rome, RiskConsult contributes services in the area of risk management for the construction of the Brenner Base Tunnel (BBT).
The BBT will have a total length of 64 km, creating the longest underground tunnel in the world. The inner diameter of the two main tunnels, which run 70 m apart, is 8.1 m. A cross passage connects the two tubes at intervals of 333 m. A continuous exploratory tunnel is located in the middle between the two main tunnel tubes. Tunneling methods: 30% blasting, 70% TBM.
Application of the RIAAT process to create a digital twin for costs, schedule and risks within the framework of a probabilistic risk analysis
Project Cost: n / a
2020-ongoing / BBT SE
Source Graphic:
U6 extension Martinsried Munich Metro - Risk Management
The consortium RiskConsult and SSF Ingenieure contribute to the U6 extension Martinsried in Munich with services in the area of risk management. With a new construction length of approx. 970m, the U6 line also opens up the Martinsried research campus.
Application of the RIAAT process to create a digital twin for costs, schedule and risks within the framework of a probabilistic risk analysis
Project Cost: n/a
2020-ongoing / U6-PMG
Source Graphic: MVV München
Train Station An den alten Schanzen Vienna - Risk Management
As part of the expansion of the train station An den alten Schanzen of the U2, RiskConsult supports Wiener Linien with processes and in-house tools and thus makes an important contribution to cost and time planning during the project realization.
Application of the RIAAT process to create a digital twin for costs, schedule and risks within the framework of a probabilistic risk analysis
Project Cost: n/a
2020-ongoing / Wiener Linien (Public Transit Network Vienna)
Source Graphic: City of Wien
Ferderal Agency for Nuclear Waste Disposal (BGE)- Consulting on the Development of a Corporate Risk Management System
In 2016, the German federal company for radioactive waste disposal BGE took over the reorganization of the disposal of radioactive waste as an integrated service company of the German federal government. For this undertaking, a corporate risk management system is to be further developed within the BGE.
RiskConsult supports the BGE in defining the requirements, establishing the fundamentals and developing customized tools to accompany the risk management process.
Read more in the attached article.
Project Cost: n/a
Source Graphic: BGE

NAGRA, Switzerland - Development Kalk DB (.NET Application)
NAGRA is responsible for planning deep geological repositories for the disposal of all radioactive waste.
Development of the NAGRA cost tool for aggregation of Costs. The structuring of the cost elements is hierarchical. At each level the costs can be evaluated according to the NAGRA cost elements.
Project Cost: n/a
2019-ongoing / National Cooperative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste (NAGRA), Switzerland
Source Graphic: RiskConsult
Intersection U2/U5 Vienna Metro - Risk Management
RiskConsult emerged as the best bidder from the tendering procedure. For the extension of the U2 and the new construction of the U5, RiskConsult supports Wiener Linien in the implementation and execution of an integrated cost and risk management system.
Application of the RIAAT process to create a digital twin for costs, schedule and risks within the framework of a probabilistic risk analysis
Project Cost: approx. € 1 Billion
2019-ongoing / Wiener Linien
Source Graphic:
Remise Kagran - Comparison of Alternatives
Remise Kagran in Vienna's 22nd district is being completely rebuilt and modernised by Wiener Linien. The depot is to be built over with apartments and office rooms.
Comparison of variants as well as implementation and execution of risk management with our Risk-Software RIAAT.
Project Cost: n/a
2019-ongoing / Wiener Linien
Source Graphic: City of Vienna
BMVI (German Ministry of Transportation and Digital Infrastructure), Bonn - Development of a Risk Management System for Federal Freeways and Roads
The German Ministry for Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) initiated the "Construction of Major Projects Reform Commission". Their task is to identify problems in the planning and construction phase of large projects and reveal reasons for cost increases and delays. Possible solutions and guidance for cost transparency, efficiency and adherence to schedules shall be developed. The commission published their guidance on 29 June 2015.
Development of an integrated risk management approach in accordance with ISO 31000 and ISO 31010 for four pilot projects.
Project Cost: n/a
2016-ongoing / BMVI
North East Bypass Freising - Risk Management
Since traffic in the city of Freising has increased drastically, the overburden of regional and transit traffic leads to daily traffic jams in the urban road network. As a bypass the B301 will pass north east of Freising and relieving the urban road network from regional and interregional transit traffic.
Workshops for the identification and assessment of the relevant risks with risk tool PRAT.
For more information follow the link below:
Project Cost: n/a
2016-ongoing / BMVI, OBB
Source Graphic: Staatliches Bauamt Freising
Rhine Bridge Duisburg - Risk Management
The A 40 motorway connects the Ruhr area to the Lower Rhine and is therefore of great importance to the region. The Rhine bridge Duisburg-Neuenkamp was built in 1970, today it reaches the limits of its resilience. The expansion of the A 40 motorway and the construction of a more efficient bridge, replacing the old bridge, are essential to ensure that traffic flows safely over the coming decades.
Workshop facilitation for risk identification and analysis. Project cost risks and schedule risks were analyzed in an integrated probabilistic cost and schedule risk model with risk software RIAAT.
For more information follow the link below:
Project Cost: n/a
2016-ongoing / BMVI, DEGES
Source Graphic: DEGES
Rader High Bridge - Risk Management
In 2013, severe cutwater damages were identified that resulted in an immediate partial closure for trucks weighing more than 7.5 t as well as a reduction to one open lane per direction. A remaining life span of 12 years was determined and reconstruction is inevitable.
Workshop facilitation for risk identification and analysis. Project cost risks and schedule risks were analyzed in an integrated probabilistic cost and schedule risk model.
Project Cost: n/a
2016-ongoing / DEGES, BMVI
Source Graphic: DEGES
In digital broadcasting, an electronic program guide (EPG) is transmitted via DVB-SI standard. Based on this information, it is possible to create an electronic TV guide, which can be displayed on television sets. Software continuously collects technical and editorial information on TV programs and makes these digitally available.
RiskConsult adapts software components for processing, surveillance and broadcast of DVB-SI service data as part of the conversion to DVB-T2.
Project Cost: n/a
2016-ongoing / ZDF Mainz
In digital broadcasting, an electronic program guide (EPG) is transmitted via DVB-SI standard. Based on this information, it is possible to create an electronic TV guide, which can be displayed on television sets. Software continuously collects technical and editorial information on TV programs and makes these digitally available.
RiskConsult services and improves software components for processing, surveillance and broadcast of DVB-SI service data.
Project Cost: n/a
2015-ongoing / ZDF Mainz
Federal Administration of Vorarlberg - Development of a Cost and Risk Management System
Development and implementation of a scalable cost and risk management system that can be used for road construction projects.
A comprehensive guideline was developed and customized risk management processes and tools designed and implemented.
Project Cost: n/a
2013-ongoing / Federal State of Vorarlberg, Department of Road Construction
Source Graphic: Federal State of Vorarlberg
Risk analysis S7 Fürstenfeld expressway section east
In future, the S7 Fürstenfelder Schnellstraße will run from the Riegersdorf junction (A2) via Fürstenfeld to the state border at Heiligenkreuz. The S7 will relieve the communities in eastern Styria and Burgenland of through traffic and provide existing and new businesses with a fast, efficient and safe connection to the highway network.
RiskConsult supports the project management team in carrying out a risk analysis. The results of the probabilistic risk and schedule model using the RIAAT software are presented in a management report.
Project cost: n/a
2021 / Asfinag BMG
Source Graphic: ASFINAG
Koralm Base Tunnel - Risk Management
With a total length of 20.4 miles/32.9 km and a maximum overburden of 4,100 feet/1,250 m, the double-tube tunnel will traverse the Koralpe mountain range and connect the Austrian states of Styria and Carinthia. The new railway track will reduce the travel time between the capitals of these states, Graz and Klagenfurt, from the current three hours to approximately one hour.
Conduct quarterly probabilistic risk assessment for cost and schedule risk and workshop facilitation in the risk assessment process for the construction of lots 2 and 3.
Project Cost: approx. € 800 Million
2012-ongoing / ÖBB Infrastruktur AG
Source Graphic: ÖBB
Perjen Tunnel - Accompanying Audit
This project is part of the full-length extension to four lanes of the East-West axis between Vienna and Bregenz.
RiskConsult (in joint venture) conducts the accompanying audit of construction phase one—construction of the Sanna Bridge (length: 166 m) and construction of the second tube of the Perjen Tunnel (length: 2.902 m)—and phase two—rehabilitation of the first tube of the Perjen Tunnel (length: 2.992 m)—by order of ASFINAG Bau Management GmbH.
Project Cost: n/a
2014-ongoing / ASFINAG Bau Management GmbH
Source Graphic: ASFINAG
Main Station Innsbruck BBT - Base Cost Verification and Risk Management
This project includes the extension of the existing tracks in order to connect the Brenner Base Tunnel (BBT) with the existing railroad network. The BBT will be operated in left-hand traffic, which is commonly used in Italy. It is planned to change operation from right-hand to left-hand traffic non-grade separated at the south of Innsbruck station in a three-track passage between the Olympic Bridge and Bergisel Tunnel.
The goal is to optimize and implement quality management of the costing process and develop profound risk management as an essential part of efficient and detailed costing.
Project Cost: n/a
2015-2020/ ÖBB Infrastruktur AG
Source Graphic: RiskConsult
City Tunnel Feldkirch - Probabilistic Cost Estimation
The intention of the project is a bypass with an underground connection to the city of Feldkirch. The heart of the project is a four-arm underground roundabout.
Probabilistic Cost Estimation with the company's own software tool RIAAT. Preparation of a construction schedule to calculate the time dependent costs.
Project Cost: approx. € 220 Million
2015-2020/ Federal State of Vorarlberg, Department of Road Construction
Source Graphic: Federal State of Vorarlberg
Cost and risk management for the partial expansion of the ÖBB Unterinntalbahn
As part of the new Unterinntal Railway and the Brenner North Access, the approximately 19 km long track between Schaftenau and Kundl will be expanded to four tracks. Part of the line runs in an almost ten-kilometer-long tunnel along the southern Angerberg, crossing under the Inn, the A12 and the Citycenter of Kundl.
RiskConsult will use its worldwide experience and instruments from cost and risk management and will provide technical support for the probabilistic risk analysis of the expansion of the new Unterinn Railway.
RiskConsult supports the ÖBB with processes, workshops and own tools and thus makes an important contribution to the cost and time planning during the project implementation.
Project Cost: n/a
2019/ ÖBB Infrastruktur
Source Graphic: ÖBB Infrastruktur
International Airport Lima/Peru - Risk Assessment
The Airport Development Program starts in 2017, with the completion of the field studies and the preparation of the Request for Proposals and Project Agreement for the main construction works, which are managed as a megaproject. Also, the preparation of the finance plan is a key event within 2017, as the total cost of this megaproject is financed 100% with private funds, without state cofinancing.
The construction of the New Jorge Chávez International Airport requires from LAP an investment of approximately US$ 1,500 million, which will benefit more than 30 million passengers, the airlines and the overall airport community. But more importantly, it contributes to the positioning of Peru as an Aviation Hub, thus supporting the economy and improving the international perception of Peru in the world.
Workshop facilitation for risk identification, risk analysis, risk mitigation base cost and schedule validation. Project cost risks and schedule risks were analyzed in an integrated probabilistic cost and schedule risk model with risk software RIAAT. The CEVP-RIAAT process, which was developed in cooperation with John Reilly, is successfully applied.
Project Cost: approx. $ 1.5 Billion
2017-2019/ Lima Airport Partners
Source Graphic: LAP and
New York Subway: Canarsie Tunnel Risk Analysis Execution Phase
Flooding caused by Superstorm Sandy inundated the Canarsie Tunnel with seven million gallons of salt water. The L train carries 225,000 customers through the Canarsie tubes on an average weekday and is the main transit route between Manhattan and the Williamsburg and Bushwick sections of Brooklyn. The rehabilitation includes upgrading of the Canarsie Tunnel facilities from 1st Avenue Station in Manhattan to Bedford Avenue Station in Brooklyn and three substations. The tunnel consists of two under-river tubes with one track each, located below the East River.
The risk assessment is intended to identify and quantify which work items and issues may potentially affect for the project. It also considers potential mitigation efforts to reduce the larger risk items and quantify the potential reduction in risk that can be achieved through risk mitigation.
Project Cost: n/a
2018-2019 / MTA - New York City Transit
Source Graphic (Map) : New York Times
Source Graphics: Philip Sander
1st Ave Station
1st Ave Station Works
Bedford Ave Station
Bedford Ave Station Works
Schedule Analysis – Untere Tuxbachüberleitung
The Water from Stilluppbach, Tuxbach and Zemmbach is currently used in the Bösdornau power plant for power generation. In the future, the water of the Tuxbach river will be used to serve the existing Stillupp reservoir. At the confluence with the Stillupp reservoir, the height difference also allows the construction of a small power plant.
Modeling and analysing schedule risks with the risk software RIAAT.
Project Cost: approx. € 60 Million
2018-2019 / Verbund Hydro Power AG
Source Graphic: Verbund
Ceneri Basistunnel - Schedule and Risk Analysis
Only with the 15.4-kilometres-long base tunnel under the Ceneri will the continuous flat route from Altdorf to Lugano become reality. After the Gotthard and Lötschberg base tunnels, the Ceneri Base Tunnel is Switzerland's third-largest railway-tunnel project.
Like the Gotthard Base Tunnel, the Ceneri Base Tunnel also consists of two single-track tubes around 40 metres apart, which are linked to each other every 325 metres by cross-passages.
The travel time between Lugano and Locarno is reduced from 58 to 30 minutes.
Project scheduling for the installation and commissioning of railway equipment project phase.
Project Cost: n/a
2017-2019 / Arge CPC (Installation of railway equipment)
Source Graphic: AlpTransit
Bypass Tunnel Lorüns - Cost Estimation
Development of a Bypass of Lorüns (Montafon). The heart of the project is the tunnel of Lorüns with a total length of 955 m.
Preparation of a probabilistic cost estimation for the preliminary design with the software tool RIAAT.
Project Cost: approx. € 40 Million
2012 -2019 / Federal State of Vorarlberg, Department of Road Construction
Source Graphic: Federal State of Vorarlberg
A13 Brenner Highway, Reconstruction Lueg Bridge - Comparison of Alternatives
The Lueg bridge is one of the most complicated structures of the Brenner highway. The life cycle of the existing bridge will end soon, thus, it will be replaced by a new bridge. The variant decision is supported by an integrated cost schedule analysis. Construction (base cost, risk, schedule) and life cycle cost are modeled using probabilistic methods, cost and schedule are interlinked to account for time dependent cost and cost due to schedule risks. Life cycle costs are assessed using the net present value method with a probabilistic approach to account for uncertainties and sensitivity.
Project Cost: n/a
2017-2019 / Asfinag BMG
Source Graphic: Asfinag
GKI Hydroelectric Power Plant - Project Cost Control
The joint venture power generating plant "Gemeinschaftskraftwerk Inn" (GKI) in the Upper Inn region at the Swiss-Austrian border represents the largest new construction of a hydroelectric power plant in the Alpine region in this millennium. The power plant has undergone a comprehensive examination in both Austria and Switzerland. Following the completion of its four-year construction phase (2014–2018), it will generate 400 gigawatt hours annually.
Cost control with the company's own software tool RIAAT. Initiation and implementation of a cost controlling structure and concurrent services.
Project Cost: n/a
2015-2019 / GKI - Gemeinschaftskraftwerk Inn GmbH
Source Graphic: GKI
Airport Ljubljana - Risk Analysis Planning Phase
The existing passenger terminal, which covers 13,000 square metres, will be partly renovated and functionally incorporated with the new building. The entire renovated and expanded terminal complex will cover a total of 22,000 square metres.
Facilitation of risk workshop analyzing potential risk impact on cost and schedule. Results are analyzed with risk software RIAAT and sumarized in dashboards.
Project Cost: n/a
2018 / Fraport Slovenija
Source Graphic: RiskConsult
Red Sea - Dead Sea Pipeline
The Red Sea-Dead Sea (RSDS) project was conceived to address the on-going water crisis in Jordan and its neighboring countries and the decline of the water level in the Dead Sea. It will provide potable water to Jordan and Israel and bring sea water and brine to the Dead Sea slowing down the water level drop and generate electricity to support the energy needs of the project.
Identify causes or events or events that could lead to pipeline damage or failure using RAMS analysis.
Project Cost: approx. $ 10 Billion
2018 / Posch & Partner
Source Graphic: David Shankbone
Land Forces Command, Austrian Armed Forces - Development of a Risk Management Tool
In cooperation with the Austrian Land Forces Command a risk management process was developed that enables the identification, assessment and classification of potential skill deficits. The planning of mitigation measures contributes to establishing a decision basis for senior military commanders. Results were implented into a Software-Tool based on PRAT.
Project Cost: n/a
2017-ongoing / Austrian Armed Forces
Source Graphic: Bundesheer
Energie AG, Upper Austria - Development of a Systematic Risk Management Approach
Development and implementation of a scalable cost and risk management system for small- and medium-sized projects.
Based on the analysis of the status quo, target definition and identification of a concept, risk management processes and tools are developed that enable the systematic risk assessment.
Project Cost: n/a
2014-2018 / Energie AG Oberösterreich
Source Graphic: ÖGG Richtlinie Kostenermittlung
Nordspange Salzburg, Gitzentunnel - Risk Assesment
Evaluation of the tunnel, road and bridge cost calculation, identification and assessment of single risks, determination of mark up for unknown risks and modeling of escalation cost to obtain probabilistic total project cost with full uncertainty information.
Project Cost: n/a
2017-2018 / Land Salzburg (Provincial Government)
Source Graphic: Land Salzburg
NAGRA, Switzerland - Reference Cost Estimation for Underground Structures KS16
NAGRA is responsible for planning deep geological repositories for radioactive waste.
Cost Estimation of underground structures for radioactive waste disposal.
Project Cost: n/a
2015-2016 / NAGRA, Switzerland
Source Graphic:
NAGRA, Switzerland - Development Cost Risk Tool
The VBA-Costing Tool was developed for KS16 (a 2016 cost study for NAGRA). It enables aggregation of initial costs and costs for risk reduction, as well as threats and opportunities according to the waterfall diagram scheme. Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS) is the method used for the probabilistic aggregation. This method is a further development of Monte Carlo simulation (MCS).
With the aim to validate the computing algorithm of the VBA Costing Tool, validation tests were conducted with two renowned commercial software products. The obtained results were compared to each other.
Project Cost: n/a
2015-2016 / NAGRA, Switzerland
Source Graphic: RiskConsult
NAGRA, Switzerland - Methodological Support
NAGRA is responsible for planning deep geological repositories for radioactive waste.
Guidance for the implementation of probabilistic cost and risk analyses for radioactive waste disposal cost estimations.
Project Cost: n/a
2015-2016 / NAGRA, Switzerland
Source Graphic: sample distribution RiskConsult
BART Silicon Valley Phase II Extension Project - Risk Assessment
VTA’s BART Silicon Valley Extension Phase II is a planned extension of the existing San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART) system into Silicon Valley: 6-mile extension (5-mile tunnel), 4 stations, Newhall Yard Maintenance Facility, Anticipated opening year ridership: 33,000 per average weekday.
Comparison of two alternatives - single and twin bore: Project cost risks and schedule risks were analyzed in an integrated probabilistic cost and schedule risk model with risk software RIAAT.
For more information follow the link below:
Project Cost: approx. $ 4.7 Billion
2017 / Aldea Services, VTA
Source Graphic: VTA
Brenner Base Tunnel ROWA Train - RAMS Analysis
A RAMS (Reliability, Availability, Maintainability, Safety) Analysis was carried out for the supply train ROWA using the software solution RIAAT, which was developed by RiskConsult. The Rowatrain is a supply train for the TBM tunnel drive of the Brenner Base Tunnel at the construction lot AP164 Ahrental.
In contrast to conventional rail-bound supply trains the Rowatrain drives on rubber-tired wheels with no need of a track.
Project Cost: n/a
Source Graphic:
Brenner Base Tunnel - Risk Assessment 2016
The Brenner Base Tunnel (BBT) will be the world’s longest underground railroad tunnel and connects Austria and Italy with a total length of 39.8 miles/64 km. The two tunnel tubes, 70 m apart, have an inner diameter of 8.1 m and are connected through cross-cuts every 333 m. An exploration tunnel with a diameter of 5 m that runs between, but 12 m below, the two major tubes will provide initial information about the rock mass and reduce construction time and costs. The two tunnel tubes and the exploration tunnel are being excavated using a combination of 70% drilling with a TBM and 30% blasting.
Annual update of probabilistic risk analysis.
Project Cost: approx. € 9 Billion
2016 / BBT-SE
Source Graphic: APA, BBT-SE
New York Subway: Canarsie Tunnel Risk Analysis Planning Phase
Flooding caused by Superstorm Sandy inundated the Canarsie Tunnel with seven million gallons of salt water. The L train carries 225,000 customers through the Canarsie tubes on an average weekday and is the main transit route between Manhattan and the Williamsburg and Bushwick sections of Brooklyn. The rehabilitation includes upgrading of the Canarsie Tunnel facilities from 1st Avenue Station in Manhattan to Bedford Avenue Station in Brooklyn and three substations. The tunnel consists of two under-river tubes with one track each, located below the East River.
The risk assessment is intended to identify and quantify which work items and issues may potentially affect the estimated schedule and costs for the project. It also considers potential mitigation efforts to reduce the larger risk items and quantify the potential reduction in risk that can be achieved through risk mitigation.
Project Cost: n/a
2016 / MTA - New York City Transit
Source Graphic: New York Times
Delaware Aqueduct, New York City - Development of a Risk Analysis Concept
Construction of the Delaware Aqueduct commenced in 1939 and was completed in 1944 to span 85 miles from upstate New York watersheds to New York City. The Delaware Aqueduct supplies approximately 60% of New York City’s drinking water supply of 1 billion gallons per day, as well as drinking water to residents in the surrounding Ulster, Orange, Putnam and Westchester counties.
Under the Delaware Leaks and Tunnel Assessment (LTA) contract, the known leaks and condition of the Rondout-West Branch Tunnel (RWBT) will be monitored to determine risk of failure of the tunnel prior to and during unwatering for the new bypass connection.
Project Cost: n/a
2016 / HDR, ILF USA, DEP New York City
Source Graphic:
Equipment Koralm Tunnel - Cost Estimation Support
With a total length of 20 miles/32.8 km and a maximum cover of 4,100 ft./1,250 m, the base tunnel will traverse the Koralpe mountain range and connect Styria with Carinthia. The tunnel system is designed with two single‐track tubes (approx. 882 ft²/82 m² per tube) and cross heading at intervals of 1,640 ft/500 m. There will also be a transfer point including an emergency station in the center of the tunnel.
Support for development and structure of equipment cost estimation using the company's own software tool PEP.
Project Cost: n/a
2016 / Geoconsult ZT GmbH
Source Graphic: RiskConsult
Railway Technology Gotthard Base Tunnel - Technical Controlling
The Gotthard Base Tunnel, with two 35 mile/57 km single-track running tunnels, connecting Basel with Milan, is the world’s second largest infrastructure tunnel.
The Joint Venture Transtec Gotthard AG (TTG) has been contracted to install the railway systems as a total service general contractor. This contract requires track construction by a Low Vibration Track (LVT) System, a power supply of 50 Hertz, a catenary power supply of 16.7 Hertz, all permanent telecommunication and radio systems, all permanent railway safety systems and all temporary systems (ventilation, cooling, power supply, lighting and communications). These systems enable the railway activity in both tubes and connect the new tracks to the existing network.
Project Cost: approx. € 2.0 Billion
2010-2016 /Heitkamp Construction SWISS GmbH (formerly Alpine Bau, Switzaerland ) in Joint Venture with Transtec Gotthard (TTG)
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Rhine Bridge Hard-Fußach L202 - Update Cost Estimation and Risk Analysis
The existing Rheinbrücke on the L202 - “Schweizer Straße” has inadequate capacity to handle the demands of traffic. The current plan is to replace the existing bridge with a new one.
Cost estimation assistance for the constructor and planner for the bridge and road works using the software tool RIAAT and the guide for cost estimation of the AdVLR.
Project Cost: n/a
2015-2016 / Amt der Vorarlberger Landesregierung Department for Road Work
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Lower Inn Valley Railway Corridor - Change Order Analysis
The existing 40 km double-track railway in the Lower Inn Valley was fully developed to a quadruple-track railway.
RiskConsult conducted the projects change order analyses.
Project Cost: approx. € 2.3 Billion
2012-2016 / ÖBB Infrastruktur AG
Source Graphic: RiskConsult
Power Station Illspitz - Project Cost Control
By developing a small power plant at the Illspitz, the own generation ratio of the Municipal Utilities Feldkirch increases from 19% to 35%.
Support of the client by using the software tool RIAAT for a probabilistic cost estimation.
Project Cost: approx. € 30 Million
2013-2015 / Stadtwerke Feldkirch
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U4 Modernization, Vienna - Building Construction Statement
Vienna subway operator "Wiener Linien" is investing in tube line U4.
Our services include investigations for sub-project modernization of the superstructure and substructure, track section west. Part A contains verification of the cost estimation and part B includes the verification of the bidding documents.
Project Cost: n/a
2015 / Wiener Linien GmbH & Co KG
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NPP Akkuyu, Turkey - Risk Management Plan Pre-Qualification
Construction of a nuclear power plant with four power units, in the south of Turkey.
Establishing a risk management plan using the software tool RIAAT in the context of an RFQ.
Project Cost: n/a
2015 / Renaissance Construction
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Brenner Base Tunnel - Risk Assessment 2015
The Brenner Base Tunnel (BBT) will be the world’s longest underground railroad tunnel and connects Austria and Italy, with a total length of 39.8 Miles/64 km. The two tunnel tubes, which are 70 m apart, have an inner diameter of 8.1 m and are connected through cross-cuts every 333 m. An exploration tunnel with a diameter of 5 m that runs between, but 12 m below, the two major tubes will provide initial information about the rock mass and reduce construction time and costs. The two tunnel tubes and the exploration tunnel are being excavated using a combination of 70% drilling with a TBM and 30% blasting.
Annual update of probabilistic risk analysis.
Projekt Cost: approx. € 9 Billion.
2015 / BBT-SE
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Vienna North Hospital - Change Order Analysis
A new hospital with 785 beds is built in Vienna. A large and extravagant outdoor area is one of its key features. It includes a park landscape and shall support the healing and therapy process.
Probabilistic change order analysis with the software RIAAT .
Project Cost: n/a
2015 / at baucontrol
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Power Station Tauernmoos - Updated Cost Estimation
Extension of the existing power plant with a pumped storage between the reservoirs 'Tauernmoossee' and 'Weißsee.'
Cost estimation update using the Software Tool RIAAT, to project status 2015.
Project Cost: approx. € 200 Million
2013, 2015 / ÖBB Infrastruktur AG, Austrian Federal Railways
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Rhine Bridge Hard-Fußach - Residual Value/LCC
The existing Rhine Bridge on the L202 - “Schweizer Straße” has inadequate capacity to handle the traffic. The current plan is to replace the existing bridge with a new one.
Conception of a computer model for residual value, life cycle costs and cost monitoring for the new construction.
Project Cost: n/a
2014-2015 / Federal State of Vorarlberg, Department of Road Construction
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Confederation Line, Ottawa - Risk Analysis
The Confederation Line is a Light Rapid Transit (LRT) public transportation system funded by a Public Private Partnership (3P). The project consists of a 7.8 mile/12.5 km long tunnel with 13 new stations currently under construction in Ottawa, ON, Canada and scheduled for completion in 2018. Three of the thirteen new stations will be underground, located in the downtown area of one of Canada’s largest cities.
Evaluation of major risks during the construction phase of the subway station in Ottawa's city center.
Project Cost: approx. CAD 2.0 Billion
2014 / Dr. Sauer & Partner
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Andelsbuch Bypass, Bühel - External Cost Estimation
The intended north bypass includes a new alignment of the existing street "L200" with a total length of approx. 1800 m. Heart of the project is a 120 m long tunnel.
External probabilistic cost estimation conducted with the Software Tool RIAAT.
Project Cost: approx. € 13 Million
2014 / Federal State of Vorarlberg, Department of Road Construction
Source Graphic: AdVLR
Habau - Probabilistic Calculation of Bid Cost
Analysis of bid cost under consideration of uncertainties.
Probabilistic total cost estimation from aggregated bid price (construction costs + overhead costs and interest) and risk costs. The result is a distribution, which delivers the cost estimation with a probability for exceeding a certain bid price.
Project Cost: n/a
2014 / Habau
Source Graphic: Sample RiskConsult
Lower Inn Valley Railway Corridor - Probabilistic Risk Analysis
The project includes the construction section 1 (Kundl-Baumkirchen) of the Lower Inn Valley railway corridor. The railway track has an approximate length of 40 km, 32 of which are subsurface.
Conception and moderation of the risk management process to identify and evaluate every individual risk. To estimate the whole risk potential (2013-2018), the risks for all 25 contract sections have been documented by a master plan for budgeting (using RIAAT ).
Project Cost: over € 2,3 Billion
2010-2013 / Brenner Eisenbahn Gesellschaft, BEG
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Hydraulic Power Plant Mittlerer Inn - External Cost Estimation
Innsbruck's municipal operator (IKB - Innsbrucker Kommunalbetriebe) plans to construct a hydraulic power plant with a performance of 21 MW. The power plant is situated in the west of Innsbruck in the Inn River.
Estimation of the main cubature and probabilistic cost estimation for four construction variants was conducted.
Project Cost: approx. € 120 Million
2013 / IKB - Innsbrucker Kommunalbetriebe (Municipal Operator)
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Nestlé Greenfield Herten - Risk Workshop
Reconstruction of a sausage factory.
Workshop facilitation and risk analysis to determine relevant risks until the beginning of operation.
Project Cost: n/a
2013 / Turner Townsend Germany
Source Graphic: Ertelt Laes Architekten
Rhine Bridge Hard-Fußach L202 - Cost Estimation and Risk Analysis
The existing Rhine Bridge on the L202 - “Schweizer Straße” has inadequate capacity to handle the daily traffic. The current plan is to replace the existing bridge with a new one.
RiskConsult conducted a probabilistic cost estimation.
Project Cost: n/a
2013 / Federal State of Vorarlberg, Department of Road Construction
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Siding Linzerhaus - Base Cost Verification
Increasing the track capacity between railway station Spital am Pyhrn and the northern portal of the Bosrucktunnel by constructing a double-track side track.
External verification of the basic costs.
Project Cost: approx. € 20 Million
2012-2013 / ÖBB Infrastruktur AG
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Pump Storage Pfaffenboden in Molln - Cost Estimation
Construction of a pumped-storage hydropower plant in Molln, Upper Austria with a capacity of approx. 300 MW.
Cost calculation and optimization of planning, including the procurement planning of the access tunnel and the call for tenders for the project manager.
Project Cost: approx. € 400 Million
2011-2012 / Wien Energie, Bernegger Wasserspeicherkraftwerk Pfaffenboden GmbH
Source Graphic: TB Pöyry / ESB
City Tunnel Feldkirch - Cost Estimation
The intention of the project is a bypass with an underground connection to the city of Feldkirch. The heart of the project is a four-arm underground roundabout.
Probabilistic cost estimation with the company's own software tool RIAAT. Preparation of a construction schedule to calculate the time-dependent costs.
Project Cost: approx. € 220 Million
2012 / Federal State of Vorarlberg, Department of Road Construction
Source Graphic: Federal State of Vorarlberg
Station Hallwang - Base Cost Verification
Reconstruction of the existing railway stations and redevelopment of the rail track to increase train speed between Salzburg and the boundary to Upper Austria.
External verification of the base costs.
Project Cost: approx. € 30 Million
2011-2012 / ÖBB Infrastruktur AG
Source Graphic: ÖBB Infrastruktur AG
Lower Inn Valley Railway Corridor Lot H3-4 - Verification of Final Calculation
Length of the Brenner railway supply is approx. 5.8 km.
External plausibility verification of the final calculation for contract section H3-4, Lower Inn Valley Gallery with the software tool RIAAT.
Project Cost: approx. € 165 Million
2011-2012 / Brenner Eisenbahn Gesellschaft, BEG
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Summerauer Railway Corridor - Base Cost Verification
Partial construction of two tracks between Linz – Summerau, as well as new construction and reconstruction of railway stations between Linz and Summerau.
External verification of the base costs.
Project Cost: approx. € 350 Million
2011-2012 / ÖBB Infrastruktur AG
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Bypass Omfartsvej Nykøbing Falster, Denmark - Monte Carlo Simulation
The aim of this project is the bypass and inner city traffic reduction of the Danish Harbor Town Nykøbing Falster. The new motorway passes Nykøbing in the east and stretches from Forest Avenue in the north to Gedser Road in the south. The traffic on the main roads 501 and 506 especially shall be reduced. The bypass increases road safety and improves accessibility of the surrounding area.
Evaluation of analyzed risks using a Monte Carlo Simulation with the software tool RIAAT.
Project Cost: n/a
2012 / Torque Cortex
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.NET Implementation.
In addition to numerous features, the program displays individual, standardized ÖBB guidelines of cost estimation.
Development of software for the systematic structuring and estimation of the project costs.
Project Cost: approx. € 3.0 Billion
2010-2011 / ÖBB Infrastruktur AG PL Semmering Basistunnel
Source Graphic: RiskConsult
Lower Inn Valley Railway Corridor Lot H8 - Verification of Final Accounting
The length of the Brenner railway supply is approx. 5.2 km.
External plausibility verification of the final calculation for contract section H8, Lower Inn Valley Gallery with the software tool RIAAT.
Project Cost: approx. € 125 Million
2011 / Brenner Eisenbahn Gesellschaft, BEG
Source Graphic: RiskConsult
Lower Inn Valley Railway Corridor Lot H7 - Verification of Final Accounting
The length of the Brenner railway supply is approx. 5.2 km
External plausibility verification of the final calculation for contract section H7, Lower Inn Valley Gallery with the software tool RIAAT.
Project Cost: approx. € 175 Million
2011 / Brenner Eisenbahn Gesellschaft, BEG
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City Tunnel Feldkirch - Base Cost Verification
The intention of the project is a bypass with an underground connection to the city of Feldkirch. The heart of the project is the four-arm underground roundabout with a diameter of 58 m.
External verification of the base costs.
Project Cost: approx. € 220 Million
2011 / Federal State of Vorarlberg, Department of Road Construction
Source Graphic: Federal State of Vorarlberg
Main Station Graz - Base Cost Verification
Reconstruction of the main station Graz.
RiskConsult conducted the external verification of the base costs.
Project Cost: approx. € 150 Million
2010-2011 / ÖBB Infrastruktur AG
Source Graphic: ÖBB Infrastruktur AG
Power Station Illspitz - Cost Estimation Support
By developing a small power plant at the Illspitz, the own generation ratio of the Municipal Utilities Feldkirch increases from 19% to 35%.
Support of the client by using the software tool RIAAT for a probabilistic cost estimation
Project Cost: approx. € 30 Million
2010 - 2011 / Stadtwerke Feldkirch (Municipal Utilities)
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2010 and earlier
Koralm Base Tunnel - Cost Estimation Risk Analysis
Double-track construction of the Koralm railway between Graz and Klagenfurt with a tunnel of approx. 32.8 km.
Estimation of the probabilistic base costs and risk analysis in the course of planning cost verification.
Projct Cost: approx. € 1.5 Billion
2007 - 2009 / ÖBB Infrastruktur AG
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Segment Passau-Wernstein - Base Cost Verification
This segment concerns the last 6.3 km before the national border of the Wels – Passau railway track.
The contract encompasses the verification of the planning costs – broken down by amount, the verification in terms of conformity with the guidelines of cost estimation and the verification with regard to the cost figures produced by the controlling software.
Project Cost: approx. € 50 Million
2010 / ÖBB Infrastruktur AG
Source Graphic: ÖBB Infrastruktur AG
Koralm Base Tunnel Lot 2 - Base Cost Estimation
Using the cost risk tool RIAAT, the possible bandwidth of tender costs (base costs, risks and value adjustment) was calculated.
Probabilistic calculation of the expected tender costs for the Koralm Base Tunnel contract section (KAT) 2. The effective tender of the low-priced tenderer was located in the median area of the plausibility distribution for the predicted costs.
Project Cost: n/a
2010 / ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG
Power Station Tauernmoos - Base Cost Verification
In addition to standardized verification, base costs in RIAAT were bandwidth-extended for possible fluctuations. The result enables an assessment of the safety of the existing costs.
Plausibility verification of the evaluated base costs.
Project Cost: approx. € 200 Million
2009-2010 / ÖBB, GB Energie
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Lower Inn Valley Railway Corridor Lot H5 - Verification of Final Accounting
The length of the Brenner railway supply is approx. 8.5 km, and is mined construction for the most part, with other sections utilizing the cut-and-cover method.
External plausibility verification of the final calculation for contract section H5, Lower Inn Valley Gallery.
Project Cost: approx. € 170 Million
2009 / Brenner Eisenbahn Gesellschaft, BEG
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Power Station Spullersee - Investigation of Construction Alternatives II
Investigation of variants for new construction of the power plant.
External plausibility verification of the base costs. Probabilistic base cost and risk analysis for comparison of variants with the software tool RIAAT.
Project Cost: approx. € 70 Million
2009 / ÖBB, GB Energie
Source Graphic: ÖBB Infrastruktur AG