Benefit from our many years of experience in risk management and browse through our latest publications and awards.
Research and comparison of delivery models at the Gemeinschafts Kraftwerk Inn
SANDER P., BECKER S.C., FRIEDINGER, C.P.: Geomechanics and Tunnelling 17, DOI: 10.1002, Berlin, May 2024

Cost-plus incentive fee (CPIF) - Update on risk-based RIAAT applications in Europe
This presentation by Kevin Lundberg, given on July 9, 2024, in Innsbruck, provides a comprehensive overview of current applications of the "Cost-plus incentive fee" (CPIF) model in Europe.
LUNDBERG K.: Presentation, July 09, 2024

ICPMA Conference New York City
Annual Conference of ICPMA
Stevens Institute of Technology, June 24 - 25, 2024
Risk Management and Contract Models in Tunnel Construction
– Part 2: Integral Consideration of Cost, Schedule, and Risk
SANDER P., BECKER S.C. : Article, Tunnel 2/2024,, April 2024

Risk Management and Contract Models in Tunnel Construction
– Part 1: Basics of Risk Management
SANDER P., BECKER S.C. : Article, Tunnel 1/2024,, March 2024

Development of a "Project Objective System" (POS) to align the interests of all the stakeholders and find the right delivery model
BECKER S., SANDER P.: Presentsation 2023 Creative Construction Conference in Keszthely, Hungary, 21.06.2023

Delivering Complex Projects
Annual Conference of ICPMA
June 19 - 20, 2023, University of the Bundeswehr Munich
30 Years of Advances in Risk Management for Underground Projects
REILLY J., SANDER P., LUNDBERG K., WEINBERGER D. : Artikel, RETC Boston, 11.-14.06.2023
REILLY J., SPIEGL M. : Presentation, RETC Boston, 11.-14.06.2023

Development of a Project Objective and Requirement System (PORS) for major infrastructure projects to align the interests of all the stakeholders
BECKER S., SANDER P.: Conference Paper, Proceedings of the ITA-AITES World Tunnel Congress 2023 (WTC 2023), 12-18, Athens, May 2023

The Insurers' Role in Project Risk Management
WANNICK K., KRAMMER R., SANDER P.: Artikel Tunnel & Tunnelling International, April 2023

Risk Management in Tunneling Projects Integrated Analysis of Cost , Schedule and Risk
SANDER P.: Presentsation ITA Lunchtime lecture series #24, 14 March 2023

Risk Management in Major Tunnelling Projects - Part 3:
Creating Incentive Mechanisms for Integrated Project Delivery
Creating Incentive Mechanisms for Integrated Project Delivery
SANDER P., BECKER S., FRIEDINGER C:, RIEMANN S., DITANDY M., SPIEGL M.: Article, tunnel-online , issue 05-2022, Pages. 12-23.

Managing Emerging Construction Risks
SANDER P.: Presentation at the 4th Infrastructure Expert Forum, Munich Re, Berg, Leoni, Lake Starnberg, July 5 th 2022

Risk Modelling Techniques for Complex Tunnelling Projects -
From deterministic to probabilistic methods: have we done enough?
From deterministic to probabilistic methods: have we done enough?
LUNDBERG K., SANDER P., REILLY J., VAN DROOGENBROECK A., SPIEGL M.: Article and Presentation at North American Tunneling Conference, Philadelphia, June 21st 2022

International experience with CEVP application in European transportation projects using risk modelling software RIAAT
LUNDBERG K.: Presentation at Celebrating 20 years of the Cost Estimate Validation Process, CEVP, Cost Risk Estimating Management (CREM) Community of Practice, WSDOT - Washington State Department of Transportation, Seattle (hybrid), June 14th 2022

Risk Management for Large Infrastructure Projects
SANDER P., VAN DROOGENBROECK A.: Presentation at ICPMA conference Sustainable Mobility Infrastructure - Connecting Cities and People, Porto, May 2022

Digital project twin for quantitative cost, risk and schedule assessment of capital projects
SANDER P., SPIEGL M., BURNS T., REILLY J.: Artikel Australian Journal of Multi-Disciplinary Engineering, 2022, DOI: 10.1080/14488388.2022.2044602
Link to article:

Risk Management in Major Tunnelling Projects – Part 2:
Digital Project Risk Twin – Application for the Construction of U5 East, Hamburg
Digital Project Risk Twin – Application for the Construction of U5 East, Hamburg
Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn., PHILIP SANDER, Head of the Institute of Construction and Project Management; SIMON CHRISTIAN BECKER, M.Sc., MARTIN LAMMERS, M.Sc., Research associates, Bundeswehr University Munich, Germany
KLAUS UPHOFF, Hamburg Hochbahn AG, Overall Project Manager, U5 East, Hamburg, Germany
Dipl.-Ing. RAIMUND BRODEHL, Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg, Behörde für Verkehr und Mobilitätswende, Head of Department, Hamburg, Germany
ARNO VAN DROOGENBROECK, M.Sc., Project Manager, RiskConsult GmbH, Innsbruck, Austria/Österreich

Credit: Hamburger Hochbahn AG
Integrated Cost-Schedule Risk Analysis: Application of Project Risk Twin Process for Major Infrastructure Projects using RIAAT
SANDER P., ESSIG M., REILLY J.: article and presentation at the 2021 Virtual Conference & Expo (June 2021).

Risk Management in Major Tunnelling Projects – Part 1:
Basics and Success Factors
Basics and Success Factors
SANDER P., NÜBEL K.: Article, tunnel-online , Issue 02-2021, Page 18-27

Digital Project Twin for Quantitative Cost, Risk and Schedule Assessment of Capital Projects
SANDER P., SPIEGL M., BURNS T., REILLY J.: article and presentation at the Integrated Project Engineering Congress in Brisbane, Australia (May 2021).

Smarter Risk Management Through Digital Project Twin for Cost, Schedule and Risk
SANDER P.: Presentation at the "International Construction Project Management Summit 2021" on January 16th 2021
On the first day of the congress on 16.01.2021 on "The Next Normal in Project Delivery and Contracts", which is organized by the expert network for construction project management "ICPMA", our managing director Univ.-Prof. Dr. Philip Sander gave a presentation on "Smarter Risk Management Through Digital Project Twin for Cost, Schedule and Risk".
The congress "Advancing The Construction Industry To The Next Normal" will take place online on four Saturdays in January and February 2021.

Risk Management for Major Infrastructure Projects
BURNS T.: Presentation/Webinar for the "Risk Engineering Society" Congress, 20. October 2020
This presentation was part of a lunchtime webinar series for "Engineers Australia" and the "Risk Engineering Society" from the 20 October 2020,.It describes an integrated probabilistic cost and schedule model. This integration along with the consideration of uncertainty in quantities, rates and timeframes helps to provide transparency on complex infrastructure projects. The application is based on a combination of two practice-proven approaches – the RIAAT (Risk Administration and Analysis Tool) and the Cost Estimation and Validation Process CEVP® (Reilly et al. 2004/Washington State Department of Transportation), creating a powerful tool for management of complex risk environments.

ICPMA: "Yearbook 2020"
The ICPMA network, with our Managing Director Philip Sanders as Vice President, produces a digital yearbook every two years, which showcases their recent award winners and many other topical articles.
ICPMA is a network of Construction Project Management professionals experienced in working internationally.

Probabilistic multi-hazard risk assessment for road infrastructure: application to a mountain road in Austria
OBERNDORFER S., FUCHS S., SANDER P. (2020): Probabilistic multi-hazard risk assessment for road infrastructure: application to a mountain road in Austria. Disaster Research Days 2020.

Reliability, Availability, Maintainability, Safety (RAMS) Analysis for Complex Tunnel Construction Systems—Applications and Benefits
An article written with our partners for the North American Tunneling 2020 Proceedings.
SANDER P., REILLY J., BRADY J. & SPIEGL M. (2020): Reliability, Availability, Maintainability, Safety (RAMS) Analysis for Complex Tunnel Construction Systems—Applications and Benefits. North American Tunneling 2020 Proceedings, 349-357

White Paper: Modelling tunnel cost estimates with change in excavation and support classes
In this white paper, RiskConsult explains how they use there probabilistic software RIAAT to model a complex tunnelling cost estimate with change in excavation and support classes.

Innovation - The Key to Future Success: combining process, product, and management
STOLTZ C., SANDER P., SMITH N.: Article, ÖIAZ, 164. Volume, S. 246 - 247, May 2020

Flyer - University of the Bundeswehr - Institute of Construction Management
University of the Bundeswehr Munich - Institute for Construction Management: December 2019

Incentive-Based Project Delivery with Fixed Price Incentive Fee Contracts
SANDER P., SPIEGL M., REILLY J.: Article and Presentation, RETC Chicago, June 16th 2019

Alternative Incentive-Based Project Delivery
SANDER P., REILLY J., WHYTE D., SPIEGL M.: Poster and Article, WTC Naples, May 7, 2019

Application of an Integrated Cost and Schedule Analysis for Complex Tunneling Projects
SANDER P., VAN DROOGENBROECK A.: Presentation, Beyond a Tunnel Vision, Brussels, November 27, 2018

Lima Airport Development Programme - ICPMA Yearbook 2018
SANDER P.: Article, ICPMA Yearbook October 2018

Alternative project delivery based on a risk-based probabilistic approach
SPIEGL M., SANDER P., Reilly J.: Article from "Festschrift 40 Jahre ÖGEBAU", Manz-Verlag, Vienna, September 2018

CEVP-RIAAT Process - Application of an Integrated Cost and Schedule Analysis
SANDER P., REILLY J., ENTACHER M.: Article and presentation, North American Tunneling Conference, Marroitt Hotel, Washington D.C., June 25, 2018

Improving Risk Matrix Design using Heatmaps and Accessible Colors
ENTACHER M., SANDER P.: Article, Journal of Modern Project Management, May/August 2018, S. 30-37, 2018

Risk-Based Integrated Cost and Schedule Analysis for Megaprojects
SANDER P.: Presentation, ICPMA annual Conference, National Theater, London, June 5, 2018

In collaboration with the ADP team, RiskConsult brought home an "IQ Award" distinction for the Lima Airport Development Program in Peru.
The “IQ Award” is given to those projects that have used innovation and new techniques or platforms to drive better quality in the delivery of projects to help future generations. The award was presented at the award dinner on June 4th, 2018 at this year's ICPMA conference in London's National Theatre.

Risk-Based Integrated Cost and Schedule Analysis for Major Infrastructure Projects
SANDER P., ENTACHER M., REILLY J, SPIEGL, M..: Article and presentation, ITA-AITES World Tunnel Congress, 2018

Workshop on NATM & TBM Tunnelling including Risk Management – Issues & Challenges
GALLER R., BABENDERERDE L. & ENTACHER M.: Lecture and Workshop; International Association of India, Central Board of Irrigation of Power, International Tunnelling and Underground Space Association; 6.-8. February 2018, New Delhi

Risk-Based Integrated Cost and Schedule Analysis
SANDER P.: Presentation and panelist, Risk Management in Underground Construction Conference, Residence Inn Arlington Capital View, Washington D.C., November 28, 2017
Presentation and Photos

Risk-Based Integrated Cost and Schedule Analysis for Infrastructure Projects
SANDER P., ENTACHER M., REILLY J., BRADY J.: Article, Tunnel Business Magazine, August 2017, P. 43-37, 2017
Article from TBM Magazine (click here for web version).

Construction – You Need Risk-Based Cost Estimating
SANDER P., REILLY J., MOERGELI A.: Article, Tunneling & Underground Construction, 10. volume, No. 1, p. 23-30, 2016

Risk Management – Correlation and Dependencies for Planning, Design and Construction
SANDER P., MOERGELI A., REILLY J.: Article and presentation, ITA World Tunnel Congress 2016, San Francisco, CA - USA, 2016

Environmental Effects of an Alpin Summit Tunnel
GSCHÖSSER F., PURRER, W., SANDER, P. : Artikel, Sustainable Built Environment (SBE) Regional Conference, Zürich, 2016

Megaprojects, Management Over 50 Years – What Have We Learned?
SANDER P., REILLY J.: Article, bau aktuell, 7. volume, No. 1, p. 4-5, 2016

Construction – You Need Risk-Based Cost Estimating
REILLY J., SANDER P., MOERGELI A.: Article and presentation, RETC 2015, New Orleans, USA, RETC 2015 Proceedings, p. 117-127, 2015 (ISBN: 978-0-87335-414-1)

Quantitative Risk Analysis – Fallacy of the Single Number
SANDER P., MOERGELI A., REILLY J.: Article and presentation, ITA World Tunnel Congress 2015, Dubrovnik, Croatia, SEE Tunnel - Promoting Tunnelling in SEE Region, p. 774-775, 2015 (ISBN: 978-953-55728-5-5)

Risk-Based, Probabilistic Cost Estimating Methods
MOERGELI A., SANDER P., REILLY J.: Article and presentation, ITA World Tunnel Congress 2015, Dubrovnik, Croatia, SEE Tunnel - Promoting Tunnelling in SEE Region, p. 534-535, 2015 (ISBN: 978-953-55728-5-5)

Risk Management, Road Show 2014
SANDER P., MÖRGELI A.: Presentation, Risk Management Road Show, San Francisco/Bay Area, 2014

Continuous Cost and Risk Management for Large Infrastructure Projects
SANDER P., SPIEGL M.: Article and presentation, BrennerCongress 2014, Innsbruck, p. 51-62, Ernst & Sohn Verlag, 2014

Risk Management – How Do You Control Your Risks in Practice?
SANDER P., MÖRGELI, A.: Presentation, Boston Society of Civil Engineers Section, Revere Hotel, Boston, 2014

Life Cycle Assessment of Representative Swiss Road Pavements with an Accompanying Life Cycle Cost Analysis
GSCHOESSER F., WALLBAUM H.: Article, ACS Publications, p. 8453-8461, 2013

LCA of the Production of Swiss Road Materials
GSCHOESSER F., WALLBAUM H.,BOESCH M.: Article, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering,ASCE, p. 168-176, 2012

Hidden Ecological Potentials in the Production of Swiss Road Pavement Materials
GSCHOESSER F., WALLBAUM H., BOESCH M.: Article, Journal of Management in Engineering, ASCE, January 2012

Environmental Analysis of New Construction and Maintenance Processes of Road Pavements in Switzerland
GSCHOESSER F., WALLBAUM H., ADEY B.: Article, Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, Taylor & Francis, 2012

RIAAT - A Software Tool for Probabilistic Cost and Risk Analysis
SANDER P.: Presentation, Software Application in Tunnelling, Softwarepark Hagenberg, Linz, 2011

The Conclusions of Risk Analysis as a Basis for Deciding Between Variants Through the Example of Contract H8
SPIEGL M., SANDER P., PELLAR A., MAIDL U., HERDINA J., FEISTMANTL K.: Article, Geomechanics and Tunneling, Volume 4, No. 4, p. 17-30, 2011

2010 and earlier
Risk Management for Large Infrastructure Projects Using Probabilistic Methods
SANDER P., SPIEGL M., SCHNEIDER E.: Article and presentation, ITA World Tunnel Congress 2009, Budapest, 2009

Probability and Risk Management
SANDER P., SPIEGL M., SCHNEIDER E.: Article, Tunnels & Tunnelling International, p. 41-45, 2009

Dealing with Geological Risk in BOT- contracts: Proposal for a supplementary module to BOT-contracts under ICB.
SCHNEIDER E., SPIEGL M.: Artikel, International Conference on Probabilistics in Geotechnics - Technical and Economic Risk Estimation. United Engineering Foundation, Graz, Proceedings UEF Kongress, S. 539-547, 2002

Dealing with geological Risk in BOT-Contracts - Proposal for a supplementary module for sub-surface works within EPC Turnkey-Contracts for BOT under International Competitive Bidding (ICB)
SPIEGL M.: Vortrag, Hydropower & Dams Conference, Riva del Garda, 2001
Dealing with geological Risk in BOT-Contracts - Proposal for a supplementary module for sub-surface works within EPC Turnkey-Contracts for BOT under International Competitive Bidding (ICB)
SCHNEIDER E., SPIEGL M.: Vortrag und Artikel, Hydropower & Dams Conference, Riva del Garda, Veröffentlicht in den Proceedings, 2001

Dealing with geological risk in BOT-contracts - Proposal for a supplementary module for Sub-surface works in EPC/Turnkey-Contracts
SCHNEIDER E., SPIEGL M.: Artikel und Vortrag, ITA-AITES World Tunnel Congress 2001, Milano, Veröffentlicht in der ITA-Tribune, 2001