Monte Carlo Simulation
Probabilistic Risk Analysis Demo Tool
The Probabilistic Risk Analysis Demo Tool is s free software based on Excel VBA to demonstrate the application of Probabilistic Risk Analysis.
Please read the disclaimer below before downloading.
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Disclaimer - Terms of Use
Probabilistic Risk Analysis Demo Tool
1. What liability restrictions are applicable for our Website / Homepage?
Each user is fully responsible for himself and is using our Probabilistic Risk Analysis Demo Tool with all the offered applications completely at his own risk at all times.
Any published statements are directly and only the responsibility of the author. They could, but do not necessarily agree with the views of RiskConsult GmbH (RC).
RiskConsult GmbH (RC) can never be made responsible in any form or connection, disclaims any warranties, including, but not limited to direct or indirect damage resulting from any such published statements.
RiskConsult GmbH (RC) can never and in no context be made responsible and/or is liable for any damages resulting from the application of referred materials (links) which are made available.
RiskConsult GmbH (RC) can never and in no context be made responsible and/or is liable for any damage resulting from the application of the data, documents and/or contents offered.
2. Who is the owner of the intellectual property rights?
All rights reserved. We own our Probabilistic Risk Analysis Demo Tool Tool and the full content with all its offers ourselves. Our Probabilistic Risk Analysis Demo Tool Tool is part of our intellectual property according to Austrian Laws and Regulations.
However, in the interest of our users it is up to them to print, download, copy or use all of our contents and offers at their own and full risk.
Please note our request for you as the user to identify the source: Utilize our documents and/or their contents only without any alterations or changes. Please leave headers and footers unchanged as well in order to fulfill the requirement for source-reference.
3. By using our Probabilistic Risk Analysis Demo Tool you agree to this Disclaimer without any changes.